- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Markus Grebe
ePortfolio: Ei
- Kursleiter*in: Isabel Bäurle-Lenhard
- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Michael Lenhard
ePortfolio: Ei
- Kursleiter*in: Isabel Bäurle-Lenhard
- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Michael Lenhard
ePortfolio: Ei
The course covers theory and advanced image analysis techniques in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the lecture the following topics are explained:
- basic anatomy of a TEM, electron guns, holders and detectors, energy filters, vacuum system
- theory of image formation, how electrons interact with material, amplitude and phase contrast, contrast transfer function
- sample preparation and image acquisition in single particle TEM and tomography
- 2D and 3D image analysis in single particle TEM and tomography
- 2D crystallography
- refinement and validation of 3D reconstructions
- visualisation and interpretation of TEM results
During the seminar you will analyse current TEM results from subject-specific English literature, summarize the key aspects of the work and discuss the research outcome critically.
- Kursleiter*in: Petra Wendler
ePortfolio: Ei