Biochemie und Molekularbiologie

The lecture Molecular Microbial Ecology gives an overview about the adaptation of microorganisms and the structure of microbial communities in their habitats. A special focus is given to molecular techniques used for the analysis of complex microbial communities, methods aimed to detect activities of microorganisms in situ and microbial genomics and metagenomics. The lecture will cover the role of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycles and the interaction of microorganisms in symbioses and biofilms.

In the seminar, original articles complementing topics and molecular technologies introduced in the lecture will be presented and discussed.

In the practical tutorial the students will get hands-on experience of molecular techniques for the analysis of microorganisms in their habitats and of microbial communities.

Qualification goals:

Scientific competences


Have a basic understanding of molecular microbial techniques

Have an overview about microbial habitats and metabolic cycles

Know microbial key organisms in different habitats

Have profound knowledge about microbial interactions and biofilms

Have knowledge about adaptation of microorganisms in extreme habitats

Method competences


Know to develop strategies for the analysis of microorganisms in their habitats aimed to understand their metabolic roles

Know principal techniques for the analysis of microorganisms in situ and of microbial communities

Can develop and compare alternative strategies for the analysis of microorganisms and microbial communities and can estimate advantages and disadvantages of techniques

Can put experimental data obtained during a practical course into a broader scientific context and critically discuss their scientific insights

Can relate experimental data to roles of microorganisms in a habitat-specific or metabolic context

Action competences


Can present scientific contents related to microbial ecology in an oral or written form

Can design experiments related to microbial ecological questions

Can develop strategies to work on complex problems in collaboration with partners

Utilize feedback provided in scientific discussions or after presentations to improve their work and its interpretation

Can perform experiments according to safety rules in microbial laboratories

ePortfolio: नहीं

The course offers a lecture and a seminar in Molecular Biology and Genome Research.

ePortfolio: नहीं

- Vorlesung Molekularbiologie II (SoSe) Müller-Röber

Informationen zum Forschungspraktikum Molekularbiologie II werden ebenfalls gegeben

-  nur für Studienordnung 2010/2011 relevant -

- Forschungspraktikum (3 Wochen ganztags am Ende des SoSe)

- Kompaktseminar Praktische Molekularbiologie (2 Tage im SoSe), integriert in Forschungspraktikum

ePortfolio: नहीं