This course draws on students' prior knowledge of linguistics (pronunciation, lexis, grammar) to further understandings of additional language use through close analysis of naturalistic spoken and written data from classroom (and other) contexts where English is used as a foreign/additional (L2) language. It also offers an introduction to microanalytic research focused on the resources mobilized by L2 language users in a range of settings.


Please be aware that you must have successfully completed the Grundmodul Linguistik to be able to attend this class. As this course draws heavily on the contents covered in the Grundmodul Linguistik, students are encouraged to review the contents of both GK1 and GK2 courses on a weekly basis.


After attending this class, participants are expected to be able to

- map linguistic features to linguistic sub-systems;

- describe relevant phenomena of L2 language use according to the linguistic aspects and metalanguage studied in class;

- compare samples of L2 language use;

- display basic understanding of the research methods within approaches that investigate L2 language use in detail;

- read transcriptions of naturalistic conversations;

- formulate questions connecting description of L2 use and teaching/the future professional field.

ePortfolio: No