Course starts on 28 April 2022!!!
The course will provide an overview of the two meaning components of At Issue vs Not-At Issue meaning, and specifically of the various different subtypes of Not-At Issue meaning and their formal modelling:
- Presuppositions
- Conventional Implicatures (as found, e.g., with non-restrictive relative clauses)
- Conversational Implicatures à la Grice
- Focus/Background distinctions à la Roberts (2012) and Horn (2016)
- Social meaning found, e.g., in racial slurs etc.
We will read and discuss some seminal theoretical articles on the different topics, but we will also look at ways to differentiate or identify the different layers of meaning with experimental tools.
PNL: 1 In-class presentation, 1 Homework Assignment
- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Malte Zimmermann