_Uni PotsdamThe Binary disrupted syllabus copy.pdf_Uni PotsdamThe Binary disrupted syllabus copy.pdf

This course offers an introduction to the sociology of gender beyond a binary lens. It will examine how the imposition of colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism, and racism have worked together to shape the construction of gender.Furthermore, it will deliberate on how these intersecting systems, and their residues, have been yoked into institutions such as the family, media and politics etc, and have consequently influenced how we think of gender. These insights will be juxtaposed alongside a vast terrain of perspectives that offer an understanding into how gender is constantly contested, challenged and lived across space-time, and by those who refuse to be bound by its rules. The course is deeply indebted to, and will draw extensively from decolonial scholarship on gender, sexuality, race and identity; and is grounded in intersectional feminist theories.

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