Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Robert Ranisch, Dr. Ruben Sakowksy, Anja Pichl

Time: first class on Thursday, October 24th; from November 1st on regularly on Fridays, 10-12 ct

Room: 1.01 H-Lab (Am Mühlenberg 9, Haus 62, Campus Golm)

Format: Lecture and Recitation Course

Examination: exam and presentation (20 min with slides) or essay (3000 words)

Course Description:

The lecture and recitation course "Ethics in Health Sciences" introduces students to ethical dimensions and challenges of public health research and practice. Students learn about the conceptual foundations and methods of public health ethics. They practise the identification and structured processing of ethical problems in the context of public health using the approach of principle-based decision-making. Students will also learn to know specific ethical issues that are of particular relevance to their field of study, such as normative assumptions of approaches to quantifying health, the ethical relevance of concepts of health and disease, theories of health justice and intertwined ethical and epistemic issues of nutrition research and policy-making.
Research ethics is another major topic of the course which encompasses both historical and theoretical knowledge as well as practical guidance to writing an ethics proposal for public health research.


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