Whiteness and Horror block seminar

In part one of this block seminar covering two intensive weekends, we will view and discuss selected films and film extracts that illuminate the critical discourse of whiteness including works such as White ZombieThe Exorcist and Get Out. We will engage with theoretical and life writing on whiteness, including the work of thinkers such as Richard Dyer, George Yancy, Robin D'Angelo, Claudia Rankine, Langston Hughes, Noel Ignatiev, Layla Saad and Kehinde Andrews. Students will be given creative and life-writing tasks to undertake in response to the films and theoretical writing. Students will develop a script for stage or screen, between the first weekend workshop and the second weekend workshop. Part two will then provide and opportunity for students to read their work and receive supportive critical feedback before submission. Participation in both weekends is essential.


7,8,9 June + 5,6,7 July (Fri 4-6pm, Sat / Sun 10am-6pm)