The course Theory of Elastic Waves provides a basic introduction to the theory of wave propagation, needed to understand observations and to interpret seismological data. One focus is on the mode description of body and surface waves. Fundamentals of elasticity theory and elementary solutions of the wave equation are presented in detail. I start with a one-dimensional description of waves on a string, to explain key features of free oscillation and wave modes on ”membranes” (layers). Thereby, fundamental mathematical approaches and representation theorems are introduced. Later, we come to the reflection and refraction of seismic plane waves at plane boundary layers, to guided waves and seismic surface waves. The theory of seismic sources is not covered here, as the material is extensively taught in my course Rupture Processes in Seismology and Volcanology.

Seismological analysis techniques applied to body and surface waves are described and learned with computer practicals. Examples are: Interpreting and classifying body and surface waves, recognizing near and far field signals, converting pressure to ground displacement on the seabed, calculate synthetic seismograms for the Earth, amplitude ratios and polarization of waves on the surface, true and apparent polarization, estimation of velocity structure from spectral ratios, ambient vibration and seafloor compliance methods, dispersion analysis of surface waves, detection of anelastic damping and attenuation tomography.

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