Introduction to elementary ocean dynamics based strongly on the textbook "Introduction to Physical Oceanography" by George Mellor.
More than two thirds of Earth is covered by oceans. The lecture course deals with the theory of global ocean currents.
The physical basics are presented, starting from the driving forces and the Navier-Stokes equation. Using various approximations, the essential structures of the ocean circulation can be understood analytically without numerical model calculations.
The lecture aims to show how methods of theoretical physics can be applied to understand the living environment of our planet. It is aimed at physicists and those interested in physics from related subjects.
Structure of the lecture course:
1. Introduction: the oceans
2. Basic equations
3. Boundary conditions at the sea surface
4. Geostrophic currents
5. Planetary boundary layers
6. Barotropic circulation
7. Baroclinic currents
8. General circulation of a baroclinic ocean with bottom topography
9. Vorticity
For students wanting to go deeper into the subject, I highly recommend "Ocean Dynamics" by Olbers/Willebrand/Eden
For those interested in modeling, I can recommend "Climate System Dynamics and Modelling" by Hugues Goosse. There is a free online version as well as an extended and updated paperback version from Cambridge University Press.
- Kursleiter*in: Christine Erica Kaufhold
- Kursleiter*in: Sullyandro Oliveira Guimaraes
- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf