In this biweekly joint ecological colloquium, each of the working groups in ecology (Linstädter, Jeltsch, Gaedke, Eccard, Zurell, & Heinken) will host a seminar in which invited speakers will present their research.
In weeks between joint seminars, each group will have their own internal schedule (also available here), where internal speakers in each working group and invited guests will present current results of their own
- Kursleiter*in: George Adje
- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Jana Eccard
- Kursleiter*in: Hiba El Hjajbi
- Kursleiter*in: Filippa Ida Erixon
- Kursleiter*in: Cara Gallagher
- Kursleiter*in: Prof. Dr. Damaris Zurell