Starting from the article

Lindblad: On the generators of Quantum dynamical semigroups, CMP 48, 119—130 (1976),

we shall amplify our undertanding by consulting additional material, in particular recalling some of the cited theorems

on von Neumann algebras and a partial generalisation to unbounded generators going back to the work of E.B. Davies.

We shall also rely on the material in the LNM 1880-1882 (Attal, Joye, Pfister) vol. 1-3 on Open quantum systems.

All students interested in this subject are welcome and shall have the opportunity to deliver a talk.

zoom invitation as follows:

Prof. Dr. Markus Klein lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.

Thema: seminar: open quantum systems
Uhrzeit: 27.Apr..2021 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
        Jede Woche am Di
        27.Apr..2021 10:00 AM
        4.Mai.2021 10:00 AM
        11.Mai.2021 10:00 AM
        18.Mai.2021 10:00 AM
        25.Mai.2021 10:00 AM
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Kenncode: 00621207
Meeting-ID: 664 3912 0829