his seminar focusses on the local dimension of migration and integration Policy in European countries, especially after the so-called refugee crisis 2015/2016. In the first part of the seminar, we will discuss the theoretical framework of migration and in European comparison current problems of multi-level migration policy in Europe. Based on the challenges of local integration policy of migrants we will analyse problems of integration governance, the capacity for policy formulation and implementation of integration policy. Finally, we will have a look for the economic and other dimensions of local integration policy. The seminar is partly based on my new book (together with José M. Ruano de la Fuente as editors): Local Integration of Migrants Policy. European Experiences and Challenges 2021, Palgrave macmillan.

In the second part seminar we will analyzes a number of specific cases of migration and integration policy in order to reflect the variety of traditions and policies in European countries. For this purpose, we will analyze based on international scientific studies some cases at the nation state level like Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and Poland. Finally, we examine the integration policy at city level cases like Berlin, Malmö and Gothenburg (Sweden), Rotterdam, Athens and Amsterdam (Netherlands).